As far as I can remember, ever since I could remember, I wanted to be a pharmacist.. And not just any one, but one of those that are so out of devotion.
I think I fell in love with the profession while spending the summer in the province of León, in Matallana de Valmadrigal. When he was only 7 years old, he went every afternoon to help Don Eugenio in his pharmacy (“I left everything behind, Don Eugenio”). Well, and for my father, who repeated ad nauseam “this girl has to be a pharmacist.”
I met my husband while studying at university in Santiago de Compostela. He was the first thing I saw as soon as I arrived on campus, can you believe it?
After completing my studies in Pharmacy and Optics, I started working in an optician in Oviedo with doctors Fernández-Vega. I am very grateful to them, I learned a lot there. A colleague named Emilio explained to me everything about optics.
When we finished our studies, even though we were dating, one day he told me: “there is a pharmacy for sale in Reinosa.” Reinosa, which at that time only sounded familiar to me from singing with the nuns: “the river. Ebro was born in Fontibre, near Reinosa, province of Santander.” And we thought: “well we take the pharmacy”, “well we get married”, “well we leave”.
And here we continue. We reproduced and we have three more pharmacists (well, one of them is still in the oven, we'll see what happens). The years go by and we continue at the counter. Currently my husband is in charge of the pharmacy that belonged to his mother, in Torrelavega. I continue with the Reinosa pharmacy.
Alberto Gallo (this is what we find)
Alicia Cañas (here we are)
And after a long journey, we make the leap to the internet. Do you want to know our brand new online store?
Calle Mayor, 16
Reinosa (Cantabria)
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